One year later

Hello there!

It's hard to believe that it's been a year since I've finished and posted this project... Time flies, doesn't it?

I wanted to write a little something to at least mark this milestone but also give updates as to where things are going at the moment. This project... was insane to do on my own. I've learned a lot from it. With so many branching paths, decisions and possibilities, I feel like I didn't stick the landing so to speak. Part of it was pure exhaustion: there are 30 variations of the ending in the game based on over 150 variables in the game. To be honest, I'm amazed that I finished it at all... The urge to give up was really strong because of all those variations that I had to keep track of...

But if I want people to read my projects, I have to give my all from beginning to end. Don't get me wrong, I still think Valentine's Rain is a worthwhile read, and it -does- end, unlike many projects that have been abandoned that litter this site. But I can do better, and I will.

I have learned the following from my experience and observations:

- Limit the choices

- Have better art

- Pay even more attention to typos

- Romance and sex sells

So that's part of what I intend to do with my next projects.

Thing is, trying to make a compelling story is not easy. I'm now at my 4th re-write of my next project. I feel like its better every time, but you can imagine that progress is unsustainable while doing this. I will have to accept at some point that what I do is good enough. But just know that I'll certainly have tried to make it the best I can.

This project will also take into account what I have learned: it will be more linear, it will have art made by a far better artist, it will be vetted by myself and others for typos, and it will have romance and sex (with a SFW version built in for people that would rather avoid that).

So yes, it's still on-going, I'm still around :)

A last note: I want to thank every single one of you who played this game. It's been downloaded over a thousand times, which blows my mind. I really hope you've enjoyed the experience! Making this game has been me putting my heart out there. It was scary, especially when you don't have great confidence in yourself. But I'm glad that you took a chance with this one, and I really hope that you will also enjoy what I have planned for the future!

Stay safe,


Get Valentine's Rain


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(3 edits) (+1)

Hey, I haven't yet read this vn (it popped up randomly today in my updates for itchio in my email), but regardless have some thing you might want to look over- if you haven't already (I will happily watch this one later, but I'm currently in finals week ;_;). 

These links provided by minotaur-hotel are amazing resources for writers and vn makers alike.

This one talks about survey data and offers plenty of great advice for writers in terms of what audiences are looking for, and how to balance that with making something you can be proud of. Sex may sell, but as the survey data shows- only 10% of the audience reported that that's all they care about.

This one talks about how to optimize the search algorithm on itchio. As they mention great games get buried all the time due to how itchio recommends games.

This one is 1 of the 3 (I believe) writing guides they wrote.

(1 edit) (+1)

Many thanks! I have enjoyed reading through those and have learned some useful stuff! Those stats were particularly interesting :) having read that, I think I may be on the right path with my next story, hopefully haha!

Though I guess I might be hampered by the whole algorithm thing ^^'' not too fond of all that stuff, but I'll definitely try some of the stuff there.

Thanks again!



how time flies!

This vn was actually the reason for me to make an itchio account and i’m really happy you managed to finish it!

You’re spot on with those observations, especially on limiting the choices (not that it’s bad to have choices but i’m sure you get how annoying it can be to keep track of all of them x3)

Can’t wait to see how your next project turns out!


I remember you commenting a while back haha! Didn't know that the game was the reason you made an account, but I appreciated greatly the feedback :)

Absolutely ^^ I guess I just heard so many times how choices don't matter in VNs, that in trying to avoid that, I've kind of went overboard. There's a sweet spot in between no choices and too many, just got to find it haha!

Thanks again for your support man, means alot :)


aw, no problem buddy!

I think you’ll manage to find a good balance, lots of luck in your future projects!


I discoved your game on youtube and downloaded it recently. I have not finished it yet,  but I enjoy the mystery in the game.

On youtube? Oh wow, didn't know my game made it there haha! Which channel if you don't mind me asking? ^^

I'm glad you're enjoying the game so far!! I really appreciate it =)



Thanks, I'll check 'em out ^^