Android Build?

Hey everyone,

I just had a quick question, if anyone is interested in providing some feedback. I've recently figured out how to create a build for android (which works), and I'd like to know what level of interest there would be for such a build? The reason I ask is that I've already finished writing Valentine's Rain, so creating a build for the public version (0.4) or the next release build (0.5) is going to take a lot of work. I don't want to do it if no one would be interested.

Otherwise, the Android build will be available at the final update of the game, which I expect to release in early June (early May for Patreons). What do you guys think? Should I work to make an android build for these versions, or just wait until the final release to make it?

Thanks for your feedback!


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Umm I wanted to give feedback on the Android version

It's not installing, it goes all the way to I think 90% then says App not installed, any suggestions?

Just so it doesn't seem like I'm leaving your comment here without response, I've answered your question (maybe?) on your comment on the main page :) let me know if that's not working out!



Should I keep this comment here? Or delete it 

I can update it later if the problem's fixed so others can benefit it they're facing same problemn if you want

Oh! It's fine really haha, I just didn't want to seem like I ignored you ^^ you can leave it there, no problem :)