Final release and future projects

Well this is it guys, the final release (well there might be updates for typos and such but yeah, no more "To be continued"). It's a big one too, encompassing 2 days instead of the typical 1. It's also the first time I'm trying to release a android build; let me know if it's not working!

I've given this project my all and I'm happy to have finished it, though it is a bit bittersweet too because I get to move on from characters and a story I've loved since day 1.

To all those that have played it, rated it, given me comments, however few, I am extremely thankful. You made this adventure worthwhile, and though I wish it had been more popular, I leave this project satisfied telling a story that may have given you joy, tears, laughs and heartbreak. Thank you from the bottom of my heart...

But the adventure does not stop here! I am currently working on a new project, called Spruce Valley. I want to be very clear from the get-go though: this will be an entirely different experience from Valentine's Rain. That game's been a learning experience for me and while I managed to make a multi-choice-that-actually-matters adventure, the game making process has been extremely taxing. The next project will be far more linear, and a more typical Romance VN with supernatural horror elements. It will also have adult elements, though I am coding in a way to turn them off as much as possible, so that my SFW audience can still play this (albeit shortened) experience. The updates will also be significantly shorter than Valentine's Rain, simply because it's a pace I cannot keep with the material that I have and the time available to me.

As for a release schedule, I honestly had hoped for next month to keep a cycle of updates going, but sadly, that will not be possible for two reasons. The first, is that I have decided to start over the entire project because I wasn't satisfied with it. That's a total of 70000 words being flushed down the drain so far. I want a product that will be worthwhile and if it means starting over, so be it. The second reason is that I'm still waiting on the art assets from the artist (my extremely talented bf Treebarkdragon(SFW)/Sootyz(NSFW)), and so long as I don't have those, the game will not be released. I am excited with what I've seen so far though and I look forward to sharing with you some pictures on my twitter!

If you've read this post so far, thank you! I really hope you enjoyed Valentine's Rain and will give my next project a go if you want.

Take care!


Files 399 MB
May 31, 2021 365 MB
May 31, 2021
ValentinesRain-1.0-linux.tar.bz2 368 MB
May 31, 2021 384 MB
May 31, 2021

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